“I like a teacher who gives you something to take
home to think about besides homework.”
~ Lily Tomlin

From the Board of Trustees

Our kura has grown from strength to strength. This has been due to the incredibly supportive community that we have. We are also fortunate to have a strong and professional staff working extremely hard to ensure that our ākonga have the best learning opportunities available.
We are a progressive school that is always looking for new ways to enhance student learning. Technology, and the role of technology in education, is a big focus for Ross Intermediate. We want all our ākonga to reach their potential and become active and enthusiastic contributors.
We have developed our new school vision in line with our Local Curriculum. Our vision statement is Poipoia te kākano kia puawai - ‘Connect, Nurture, Grow’. It is about recognising that everyone at Ross Intermediate is a learner and that all learning is based on forming connections, showing manaakitanga, and growing.
Education has changed so much in the past 20 years since we were all at school. Not only are there obvious changes in environment and technology, but also in what we know about how students learn and the best ways to make a difference for all learners. Fundamentally though, the role of a school has not changed and we are proud of what we do for our students as we prepare them for the fast paced modern world we live in.
Our success is in the partnership we have with you, the parents. We want to work with you for the two years your child is with us and hope you feel welcome to call in and discuss their learning and issues that may arise. The more we know, the better we can do our job.
We look forward to providing your child with the skills, attitudes and knowledge that they require for the world they are living in. We are governed by an Enrolment Scheme and details of this are available in our Parent Guide.

About our School
Ross Intermediate School has a focused direction for our goals and vision. At the centre of this is the intention to provide the best possible education; academically, sporting and culturally to all students.
A positive partnership between home and school is essential to the achievement of the goals that you as parents, we as teachers, and your child as the learner, want to realise. We work together to enable your child to reach their potential. We have a strong Behaviour Management Plan which you can learn more about within our Parent Guide.
At Ross Intermediate School, every student has the opportunity to make a unique contribution, within an environment, which has high standards and expectations - both behaviourally and academically. Our size allows us to focus attention on each and every one of our students.
Ross Intermediate offers a high quality-learning environment with an array of extra-curricular opportunities in sports and music, catering for students at all levels.
Classroom Structure
All of our rooms are Year 7 and 8 composite classes. Students usually stay with the same teacher for two years. We take a great deal of care to ensure that students are placed in a learning environment that is best suited to their needs. Homeroom classes average around 29 student per class and operate for two thirds of the day. In the other third, students attend specialised Inquiry programmes at a ratio of one teacher to 15 students. The programme covers four areas; STEM, Food Technology, Performing Arts, and Design Technology.
Our classes are grouped into three teams. Each team is named after a famous New Zealander: